Monday, September 1, 2014


I am interested in the flow of money in and out of universities. Who sees it and who benefits from it. Also i want to research possible ways to make it easier and more efficient for people to be educated. By easier, I simply mean less costly, whether time or money.


  1. I was hoping you would take another shot at this topic idea, since it is a little vaguely formulated. You could focus it more by looking specifically at for-profit colleges, where the flow of money is much easier to trace and talk about. Start by watching "College, Inc.":

    1. After watching most of college inc. I have come to many questions. The most important one is how do for-profit colleges still get federal funding when nearly 80% of their revenue comes from this federal aid. It cannot be a coincidence that extremely wealthy people are investing large sums of money into for-profit colleges either. More money is put into advertising then into the actual education of its students.
