MCGUIRE, MATTHEW A. "Subprime Education: For-Profit Colleges And The Problem With Title Iv Federal Student Aid." Duke Law Journal 62.1 (2012): 119-160. Academic Search Premier. Web. 13 Nov. 2014.
This scholarly article's main conclusion concerning the
negative outcomes of students is that "the blame lies not with
for-profit institutions but with federal student-aid policy."“[T]his
Nation could never rest while the door to knowledge
remained closed to any American,” President Johnson said.
The article goes on to mention how colleges are opening their doors to many
students, low-income included. Although for-profits are accepting many under
privileged kids and adults, their success at these schools is not frequent but
instead, outcomes are usually negative. The article continues and states that
amendments to laws allow for-profits to consume low-income students who are
attached to title IV grants and loans.
article has much of the same information about for-profits as do the others on
my blog BUT! This article directly incorporates government action into the
public supply model involves direct public investment in educational
institutions. These subsidized institutions, in turn, can expand access to
higher education because they can offer education at a lower price.”
portable-subsidy model embodied by Title IV involves granting students portable
government benefits, such as grants or loans with favorable terms, to expand access
to higher education by enabling the student to defray the costs of attendance.”
for-profits are making a killing from the portable-subsidy model. The
combination of this and the predatory actions by for-profits recruiters creates
a tough situation for any low-income individual seeking higher education.
undercover investigation by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that
recruiters at every for-profit school targeted by the study made deceptive, if
not totally fraudulent, statements to investigators posing as prospective